Glamnetic - magnetic lashes | Review


Hey everyone and welcome back on my blog. Today I'm going to review products that are going viral on Tiktok and thay are Glamnetic lashes. I have seen so many makeup artists showing and wearing these lashes and I was super excited when I received them as well.  In my opinion magnetic lashes are easier to apply, but let's start with the review .
Zdravo svima i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. U današnjem blog postu pišem vam recenziju o proizvodima koji su veoma popularni na Tiktoku. Reč je o Glamentic magnetnim trepavicama. Ove trepavice koriste mnogi šminkeri na Tiktoku i nestrpljivo sam čekala da stignu.
I have tried magnetic lashes before, but my experience with them was not the same as this time. A year ago I got some magnetic lashes, but they weren't this fluttering and beautiful as Glamnetic. Glamnetic lashes are so nicely made, I have to admit that. This lashes have volume and they complete look of your eyes. In my package I got two pairs of lashes and magnetic eyelinerThis eyeliner you can use as a regular liquid liner to draw your wing so magnetic lashes can connect to it. I personally draw just a line closely to my lash line so magnetic lashes can fit and mix with my natural one. When it comes to style of lashes Luxe lashes are shorter and more cat eye. They are perfect for foxy makeup look or something  softer. Lush lashes are so dramatic, long and this lashes perfectly fit with the dramatic look on the eyes.

Magnetne trepavice sam koristila i ranije ali je iskustvo bilo potpuno drugačije. Pre skoro godinu dana dobila sam neke magnetne trepavice ali one nisu bili ovako lepe kao Glamnetic. Glamnetic trepavice su zaista lepo urađene, vlakna trepavica su lagana i veoma kvalitetna. Ove trepavice imaju predivan volumen tako da lako upotpunjavaju moje makeup look-ove. U mom paketu našla su se dva modela trepavica i magnetni ajlajner. Svrha ovog ajlajnera jeste da poveže trepavice pomoću magneta tako da nema potrebe za lepkom. Sa njim možete iscrtati ceo ajlajner ali ja ga koristim tako da iscrtam tanku linuju iznad mojih trepavica kako bi se one kasnije lakše uklopile. Kada je reč o modelima trepavica oni se veoma razlikuju. Luxe trepavice su kraće na početku a onda se lagano povećavaju. Ovaj model trepavica lepo izgleda kada želimo da postignemo cat eye efekat na očima. Lush model je znatno dramatičniji. Ove trepavice su veoma duge i lepo se slažu sam tamnijiom i jačom šminkom.

*Luxe lashes
*Lush lashes
If you are from US this lashes you can find at Ulta as well as Glamnetic website. I will link lashes that I have HERE, HERE as well as magnetic eyeliner HERE.

 U Americi ove trepavice možete naći u Ulti ali i na njihovom sajtu. Ostaviću vam linkove svih proizvoda OVDE, OVDE i OVDE.
  Instagram - @En_Angie
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 Twitter - @En_Angie 
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