Rosegal Christamas Wishlist


"It's the most wonderful time of year!"

Hey everyone,
and welcome back.
Holidays, holidays, holidays!
Finally it's that time of year, time of happiness, time of kindness and love.
Rosegal have such amazing christmas deals so go check them!
Here is link: Christmas 2017 Rosegal
If you haven't yet bought gift for your family and friends I have a couple suggestions.
And let's start!

Zdravo svima,
i dobrodošli nazad.
Praznici, praznici, praznici!
Konačno je stigao i ovaj deo godine..
Rosegal ima neverovatna snizenja za praznike, obavezno ih pogledajte.
Ako još niste kupili poklone za svoje drage ja imam nekoliko predloga za Vas!
Hajde da počnemo!

Snowflake Hoodie:

Christmas Pillow Case:

Twisted Sweater:

White Wristwatch:

Copper Wire Light:

Here is my holiday wishlist. Do you like it?
Ovo je moja list želja!
Da li Vam se sviđa?

Instagram - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie
Until the next reading!
Love you all!
Do sledećeg čitanja!
Voli Vas sve!
DISCLAMER: This post is not sponsored and all thoughts are my own!

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