
Dramatic false eyelashes | Tosave


"The only drama that I enjoy is on my lashes!"

Hey everyone and welcome back!
In today post I'm writing you about Tosave website which is huge online store and you can read review of this long dramatic false eyelashes.
If you love lashes you are on right place!
So let's started!

Zdravo svima,
i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog.
U današnjem postu moj zadatak je da Vam predstavim Tosave sajt kao i da recenziram ovaj set dramatičnih veštačkih trepavica.
Ako volite veštačke trepavice na pravom ste mestu.
Zato, hajde da počnemo!

This website honestly have everything you need, from clothes to shoes, jewelry, beauty, home and decorations to the electronic equipment.
You definitely need to check them, they have such a huge collections.
When I sad huge I mean HUGE!
Ovaj sajt zaista poseduje sve to što Vam je potrebno, od odeće do obuće, nakit, beauty dodataka, dekoracija za dom i dvorište do opreme za elektronske uređaje.
Definitvno ih morate pogledati, jer su im kolekcije proizvoda ogromne.
A kada kažem ogromne, mislim OGROMNE!

This set of lashes comes in white box which contains 5 pairs of eyelashes.
On the eyes this lashes are beautiful!
They give drama and volume and I love that effect.
Quality is really good so you can use this lashes multiple times.

Ovaj set trepavica dolazi u beloj kutiji i sadrži 5 pari.
Na očima su ove trpavice prelepe!
Daju dramatični efekat i volumen što se meni veoma dopada.
Kvalitet je veoma dobar tako da se mogu koristiti više puta.

If you like long and dramatic lashes I recommend this one to you.
This set is available on Tosave , click here to get yours : http://bit.ly/2DExHD1

Ako volite duge i dramatične trepavice preporučila bi Vam ovaj set.
Dostupan je na Tosave sajtu i kliknite ovde kako bi ih ste naručili: http://bit.ly/2DExHD1

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Twitter - @En_Angie

Until the next reading!

Love you all!
Do sledećeg čitanja!
Voli Vas sve!
DISCLAMER: PR product!

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