Hey everyone and welcome back on my blog. For today post I wanted to share with you my thoughts about some Girlactik products. I received this products couple weeks ago and actually this was my first time trying something from Girlactik. I have been wearing and testing this products so now I can finally share my impressions. So, let's stat!
Zdravo svima i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. U današnjem blog postu pišem vam utiske o Girlactik proizvodima. Dobila sam par proizvoda koje sam testirala poslednjih nedelja tako da ćete u današnjem postu videti mnoštvo svočeva, makeup look-ova... Zato, hajde da počnemo!
First product and my favorite is Girlactik Cheeky tint & Glow. I don't know how to properly describe this product because it's truly amazing. This is cream blush duo and mine is in the shade L'Amure. When you apply this tint blush it feels like balm on your skin. Skin looks healthy, blushy and natural. This type of product I apply with duo fiber brush and small amount goes a long way because formula is super creamy. I like to mix and wearing both side of this blush on my cheeks for radiant healthy look. Girlactik have this tint duo blushes in other shadse as well and they are: LaBeaute, LaVie as well as LAmure.
ću opisati ovaj proizvod sem da je odličan. Ovo je kremasto duo rumenilo i moje je u nijansi L'Amure. Kada se nanese na koži ovo rumenilo ostavlja osećaj balzama a koža izgleda zdravo. Ovu vrstu proizvoda najviše volim da nanosim sa duo fiber četkicama i potrebna je vrlo mala količina proizvoda jer je veoma kremast. Najviše volim da mešam obe nijanse jer mi se glowy radiant look dopada. U ponudi Girlactika postoje i druge nijanse ovog tint rumenila i one su: LaBeaute, LaVie kao i nijansu L'Amure.
Next is Skin Glow in shade Moonlight and this is cream highlight duo. This glow duo is perfect for archiving dewy look on the skin. Highlighters are really creamy and they melt on your skin without looking cakey. First highlighter is in soft champagne shade and other is peachy pink. This duo is in the shade Moonlight and other shades are Sunset and SunKissed.
Sledeći proizvod jeste Skin Glow i ovo je duo kremastih hajlajtera. Sa ovim duo-m možete postići dewy odnosno "vlažan" izgled na koži. Hajlajteri su veoma kremasti i lepo se stapaju sa kožom. Nijanse su šampanj i beskvatno roze. Ostale nijanse Skin Glow jesu Sunset and SunKissed.
I also received Matte Lip Paint in shade Bashful. This liquid lipstick have full pigmentation in just one swipe and it's really comfortable on the lips. Shade Bashful is nude beige with warm undertone. This shade look so flattering on my fair skin tone and this liquid lipstick is available in many other shades so don't forget to check it out.
Last two products are for the eyes and they are: Metallic Eye Sparkle and Lash Play Duo mascara. Metallic Eye Sparkle is creamy eyeshadow and it's the pretties creamy eyeshdow in my collection. It's like glitter but in creamy form, so shiny and beautiful on the eyelids. This can be worn alone or in combination with other eyeshadows. My is in the shade Shimmer. At the end is Lash Play Duo mascara and this is the newest Girlactik product. This mascara has two sides one side give lengthening and other detailing to lashes. I usually
use lengthening part on my small lashes. Detailed size is great for bottom lashes for more
dramatic look.
Poslednja dva proizvoda su: Metallic Eye Sparkle i Lash Play Duo maskara. Metallic Eye Sparkle je kremasta senka koja je zapravo jedna od najlepših
koje imam. Ovaj proizvod je kombinacija glitera i kremaste senke jer je puna sitnih sjajnih
čestica i izgleda prelepo na očima. Može se nositi samostalno ili u kombinaciji sa drugim senkama. p.s moja je u nijansi Shimmer. I na kraju je Lash Play Duo maskara i ovo je najnoviji proizvod koji je Girlactik izdao. Ova maskara ima dve strane jedna produžava trepavice dok je druga strana namenjena detaljima. Najviše koristim stranu koja daje dužinu trepavicama i dopada mi se jer ih ne slepljuje.
Metallic Eye Sparkle in shade Shimmer
Lashes Play Duo Mascara
Matte lip paint Bashful
Skin Glow Moonlight
Lashes Play Duo Mascara
Cheeky Tint & Glow L'Amour
Lashes Play Duo MascaraMatte lip paint Bashful
Skin Glow Moonlight
Lashes Play Duo Mascara
Skin Glow Moonlight
Cheeky Tint & Glow L'AmourInstagram - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie
Until the next reading! Love you all!
DISCLAIMER: PR products!
- 20:15:00