Labelle makeup 5th Anniversary collection | Review


Hey everyone and welcome back on my blog. For today blog post I want to share with you  Labelle UK 5th anniversary  collection. First off I know I was supposed to review this collection couple months ago but I was moving and lot things happened. So, here we are now. Since holidays are coming this will  be an amazing opportunity to see the products and hear all the details because there is nothing more special like buying gifts for holidays. Let's start!

Zdravo svima. U današnjem blog postu pišem vam o Labelle UK  5th anniversary  collection odnosno kolekciji povodom 5 godina postojanja. Pokušavam da se vratim redovnom  postavljanju postova jer znam koliko volite da čitate recenzije.

I'm going to start with Labelle lashes because I'm wearing this lashes non stop. They are super flattering and comfortable. Right now I'm in the mood for soft, monochromatic looks and this lashes  perfectly fit the vibe. Also, packaging is very pretty and this item will be cute surprise in stocking. They are available in many styles and my are:
Deedee lashes - are linked HERE

Kristy lashes - are linked HERE

Cassey lashes -are linked HERE
Krenuću sa trepavicama jer njih neprestano nosim. Ove trepavice su veoma lagane i prijatne na očima. Trenutno sam u fazi nežnijih look-ova i ove trepavice se savršeno uklapaju. Dostupne su u više stilova a ja sam dobila tri različita modela. Moj favorit jeste stil Kristy.
Next up are glosses, range of shades is absolutely amazing, everyone can find their perfect match on off nude. Formula is also nice, they aren't sticky and glides on easily on the lips. Shades that I have are: Diamond, Underage,Innocence, Nude Drip and Coco.

*Diamond lipgloss is linked HERE
*Underage lipgloss is linked HERE
*Innocence lipgloss is linked HERE
*Nude Drip lipgloss is lined HERE
*Coco lipgloss is linked HERE
Sledeći noviteti jesu sjajevi za usne, izbor nijansi je nešto što me je oduševilo. Mislim da sada svi imaju mogućnost da pronađu svoju savršenu nude nijansu. Kada je reč o formuli, veoma su lagani i nisu lepljivi. Nijanse koja ja imam su: Diamond, Underage,Innocence, Nude Drip i Coco.

As part of their lip products launch now they have Power Pout lip liners. They are pretty nice, have drier formula and great pigmentation and color shades. Mine are: Peach Soda, Latte and Mauve.

Lip liner Peach Soda is linked HERE
Lip liner Latte is linked HERE
Lip liner Mauve is linked HERE
Kao deo nove linije proizvoda za usne, lansirane su i olovke za usne. Klasično crno pakovanje je veoma lepo. Ove olovke imaju suvlju formulu ali i dobru pigmentaciju. Nijanse koje ja imam su: Peach Soda, Latte i Mauve.

At the end something really unique and special are Diamond highlighters. This highlighter are  so beautiful. Packaging, design and the product itself is amazing.
 I like how they give that glass skin effect on the skin. I have two shades and they are: Princess which is more frosted icy pink and Countess which have more champagne golden neutral under tone. This highlighter are available  in two more shades, 4 shades in total.

*Princess highlighter is linked HERE
*Countess  highlighter is linked HERE
I na samom kraju imamo predivne Diamond hajlajtere. Ovi hajlajteri imaju prelepu ambalažu i dizajn. Formula je takođe fina, pružaju glass skin efekat na koži. Dostupni su u 4 različite nijanse, ja imam dve i one su Princess (svetli roze hajlajter) i Countess (hajlajter šapanj nijanse).

So, that was new Labelle makeup 5th Anniversary collection. I'm sure that want some of this products. They have great discount for upcoming holidays so keep an eyes on their Instagram  for all new updates. I will link Labelle Instagram page HERE and don't forget to check my looks with this products.
Instagram - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie
Until the next reading!
Love you all!
DISCLAIMER: PR products!

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