
Makeup Geek The Matrix system eyeshadow palettes


Hey everyone and welcome back on my blog.
It's been a while since my last post about Makeup Geek products. I'm so sorry, but if you follow me on my Instagram then you already saw so many of my post about new MUG products. Almost three month ago Makeup Geek done rebrending which means completely change look of the brand. Marlena and her team work so hard on rebrending with the desire to provide us with the best products on the market. New ideas, one passion and as a result we have so many new great product.

Zdravo svima i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog.
Prošlo je puno vremna od mog poslednjeg blog posta o Makeup Geek proizvodima.
Žao mi  je što vas nisam updateovala ali ako me pratite na Instagramu onda ste sigurno videli bezboj postova o novim proizvodima. Pre skoro tri meseca Makeup Geek rebrendovao je svoje proizvode. Marlena i njen tim naporno su radili da nam pruže najbolje proizvode na tržištu. Nove ideja, jedna strast a kao rezultat tu je puno novih proizvoda.

New eyshadows, new lashes, new packaging, new design are one of the innovation.
In today blog post I want to better present you The Matrix system and new concept of smart beauty.  

"With a new focus on sustainable beauty and eco-friendly packaging, Makeup Geek introduces The Matrix System. It will show you how to utilize the eyeshadows you have and create hundreds of color combinations and palettes. Instead of wasting money and materials that end up in landfills, you can take eco-conscious eyeshadow pans and crate any palette you desire."

The The Matrix system eyeshadow palettes came pre-made or you can crate one according to your wishes. In that way in palette will be found only the shadows you like the most. Pans can be removed and replaced with your favorite so you will only buy the shade you need. personally think this is amazing idea because we don't use all eyeshdows from palettes that we buy in the market. The Matrix system eyeshadow palettes comes in 
different options like: Pre-made palatte which contains 28 eyeshdows.
This pre-made palettes are available in different versions like Neutrals (28 Matte shades palette), Colors (7 foiled shades and 21 matte eyeshadow palette), Pre-made 9 shadow palettes and Pre-made mini palettesOf course, it is up to you whether you want to go beyond the combination offered or decide to create your own.

Nove senke, nove trepavice, nova ambalža, novi dizajn jesu jedne od novina.
U današnjem blog postu osvrnuću se samo na Matrix sistem i koncept "Smart beauty" koji je započela Marlena.

"Kako je novi fokus na održivoj lepoti i ekološkom pakovanju, Makeup Geek uvodi sistem Matris. Pokazaće vam kako da koristite senke za oči i stvorite stotine kombinacija boja i paleta. Umesto da trošite novac i materijale koji na kraju ostanu na deponijama možete da koristite ekološke posude za senke i napravite bilo koju paletu koju želite. "

U okviru Matrix sistema postoje palete koje su već napravljene ali i one koje možete kreirati po svojoj želji. Na taj način u paleti će se naći samo senke koje se vama najviše dopadaju i koje ćete koristiti. Panovi senki se mogu uklanjati i zameniti senkom koju ste potrošli pa ćete na taj način kupiti samo senke koje vam trebaju.
Mislim da je ovo zapravo odlična ideja jer većina nas ne koristi sve senke koje se nalaze u paletamo koje imamo. Matix sistem nam pruža na više opcija unapred napravljenih magnete palete koje sadrže po 28 senki. One su dostupne u dve verzije kao Neutrals odnosno neutralna koja poseduje čak 28 mat senki ali i Colors tj, šarena paleta koja sadrži 7 foild senki i 21 mat senkuKada smo kod unapred urađenih paleti one su dostupne i u manjim verzijama tj. paleta sa 9 senki ili mini paleta koja sadrži 4 senke.
Naravno izbor je na vama da li ćete odabrati neku već od ponuđenih kombinacija ili odlučiti da kreirate sami paletu u bilo kom vidu amabalaže.

When it comes to eyeshadow formula, they come in three options:
Signature Eyeshadow formula, Foilded Eyeshadow formula and Power PigmentsAs you can see I have two of  large palettes so I have opportunity to try and test this new formula of MUG eyeshadows. Signature Eyeshadows are richly pigmented, so smooth and easy to blend. Some of my favorites from Signature Eyeshadow formula are Creme Brulee, Honey Badger, Bitten, Cheetah Bear, Time Travel, Seas the day, and so many others.
 Foilded Eyeshadow formula is my favorite. They are something between cream and powder eyeshadows and they are so so so pigmented. I love them, my favorite favorite Foilded Eyeshadow Starry EyedI can wear this eyeshdow for the rest of my life. In my pre-made palettes I don't get any of power pigmetns so I have't try them. But, I think you can get on some other palettes. 

Kada je reč o formuli senki, one nam dolaze u par vrsta: Signature Eyeshadow formulaFoilded Eyeshadow formula i Power Pigments. Ja ima dve velike palete tako da sam imala mogućnost da dobro isporbam novu formulu Makeup Geek senki. Signature Eyeshadows su veoma pigemntovane, mekane na dodir i lagane za blend. Neke od mojih omiljenih senki iz ove linije jesu: Creme Brulee, Honey Badger, Bitten, Cheetah Bear, Time Travel, Seas the day. Foilded Eyeshadow formula je moja omiljena. Ove senke su kombinacija krem i senki u prahu i veoma su pigmetovane. Veoma ih volim i moja omiljena senka iz ove linije jeste Starry Eyed. U mojim paletama nisu se našle Power Pigments senke, tako da ih nisam probala. Ali videla sam ih u drugim manjim paletama.

Right now I will list all the details about palettes and if you want to buy some of them you can use my code EN_ANGIE for 10 % off.

Complete palette Matrix Neutral palette $124.99 - direct link HERE
Matrix NEUTRAL Palette

Complete palette Matrix Colors palette $124.99 - direct link HERE

Matrix COLOR Palette

Complete palette Matrix Mega set $219.99 - direct link HERE

Matrix MEGA Set
Complete palette 9 Shades of romance eyeshadow palette $32.99 - direct link HERE

Shades of Romance Eyeshadow Palette

Complete Mini palette Enchanted mini palette $14.99- direct link HERE
Enchanted Mini Palette

Each palette or eyeshadow you can be purchased individually
New neutral eyeshadows cost $5.49color eyeshadows also $5.49 and foiled eyeshadows are $7.99.

Now you will see some of my makeup looks done with this eyeshadows. Enjoy!

Illuminaughty, Olive You, Spilled Tee, Enchanted Forest and Had me at yellow.

 Chickadee, Staycation, Peach for the stars, Hot Tamale and Time Travel.

Starry Eyed, Creme Brulee, Honey Badger.

 So pale, Honey Badger, Cheetah Bear, Chocolate Wasted and Smoke Signal.

So pale, Creme Brulee, Honey Badger, Cheetah Bear, Give me dirt and Legend.

 Honey Badger, Cupcake, Getting figgy with it, Bitten, Give me dirt, Smoke signal and Day dreamer.

This will be all!
 Instagram - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie

Until the next reading!
Love you all!

DISCLAIMER: PR products.

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