Coloured Contacst Lenses


Hey everyone,
and welcome back on my blog.
In today post I decided to share with you my new Coloured Contacts Lenses.
Yes, I'm working with this brand for a long time which I'm so proud.
Recently, they launched new Air Optix Colors collection which contains so many 
new styles and color lenses.
I'm super excited to present you couple of new styles.
So, let's start with review!

Zdravo svima,
dobrodošli nazad na moj blog.
U današnjem blog postu podeliću sa Vama nove modele Coloured Contacts sočiva.
Sa ovim brendom sarađujem već duži vremenski period na šta sam veoma ponosna.
Nedavno su predstavili novu kolekciju Air Optix Colors sočiva koja sadrži puno
novih stilova i nijansi sočiva.
Veoma sam uzbuđena da Vam predstavim neke od novih modela.
Zato, hajde da krenemo sa recenzijom!

Coloured Contacts was so generous to me and they send me so many
goodies including three new lenses style.
If you follow me on Instagram they you already know which shades
I got but if you don't follow my work there it's fine and you will see everything in this post.
I mention this every time but this lenses are very easy to apply and they are very comfortable.

Coloured Contacts tim je bio je veoma velikodušan i poslao mi puno poklončića
uključujući tri nova stila sočiva.
Ako pratitie moj rad na Instagramu onda već znate koje nijanse
sam dobila ali ako ne pratite moj rad na toj društvenoj mreži onda je to sasvim
 okej jer ćete u današnjem blog postu videti sve o ovim sočivima.

First pair of lenses and my favorite are called TWILIGHT STAR and they are deep 
orange-red lenses. This are the most gorgeous lenses I have ever wear.
Super captivating, super attractive and so different and unique.
This lenses are part of Costume & Cosplay lenses.
Check them right HERE.

Next are SKY BLUE 3 TONE lenses.
When I wear this lenses I feel like doll because they make my eyes super bright and well rest.
Also, I really like how my green eyes and this blue lenses combine together and 
they look so natural and really unique.
Check them HERE.

Last lenses pair are in the shade PLATINUM GREY 3 TONE.
On my eyes they look so deep and mystery.
Also, looking so natural and pretty. I love them!
Check them HERE.

Prvi model sočiva i moj favorit jesu TWILIGHT STAR
i reč je o tamno crveno-narandžastim sočivima.
Ovu su najdivnija sočiva koje sam do sada ikada nosila.
Veoma su aktraktivna, privlače pažnju ali i veoma posebna i drugačija.
Pogledajte ih na narednom linku OVDE.

Sledeći model sočiva jesu SKY BLUE 3 TONE.
Kada ih nosim osećam se kao lutka jer čine moje oči upadljivijim i odmornijim.
Takođe, veoma mi se dopada kako se ova sočiva kombinu sa mojim zelenim očma pa izgledaju veoma pririodno.
Pogledajte ih OVDE.

Poslednji model sočiva su u nijansi PLATINUM GREY 3 TONE.
Na mojim očima izgledaju veoma tamno i misteriozno.
Takođe, reč je o jako prirodnim sočivima koja su prelepa.
Jako volim da ih nosim i veoma mi se dopadaju.
Pogledajte ovaj model sočiva OVDE.

As you can see all Coloured Contacts Lenses are so good.
I wear them all the time, not just for Instagram post I wear them on daily base.
If you maybe missed out my previous posts about Coloured Contacts Lenses
I will those posts HERE and HERE.
In those post you can see more natural looking contacts which I really really love.
Also, if you want to order some of there lenses I have code for you
it's 2CCGIFT10 for 10% off.
This code can be used for any natural lenses or new costume & cosplay lenses.

So guys that will be all.
I hope you like this post.
Let me know which style of lenses is your favorite.

Instagram - @En_Angie

Until the next reading!
Love you all!
Do sledećeg čitanja!
Voli Vas sve!
PR products!

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