Accessories Haul #4 | Zaful
Hey everyone,
and welcome back.
In today post I'm writing you about some of Zaful accessories.
So, let's start!
Zdravo svima,
i dobrodošli nazad.
U današnjem postu predstaviću Vam neke od asesoara sa sajta Zaful.
Zato krenimo odmah sa postom.
First item is Baseball hat with white letter W.
Honestly, I'm loving this hat.
Quality is good so you can't make mistake if you want it.
Here is link for this hat:
Prva stvar jeste bejzbol kačket sa belim slovom W.
Iskreno, veoma mi se dopada i izgleda lepo.
Kvalitet je dobar i mislim da nećete pogrešiti ako ga želite.
Evo linka kačketa:
Next item is this phone stander holder.
I order this because I need it for taking photos.
It's very good and I recommend it.
I will put link here:
Sledeći proizvod jeste držač za mobilni telefon.
Naručila sam ga jer mi je potreban radi lakšeg fotografisanja.
Jako je dobar i preporučujem ga.
And last item is Paisley Print Scarf in black.
I use this scarf as headbend and I love it.
Link is here:
That would be all from me for today.
I hope you like my Zaful reviews.
Instagram - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie
Until the next reading!
Love you all!
Do sledećeg čitanja!
Voli Vas sve!
DISCLAMER: PR products!
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