Arm candy #1 | Rosegal


Hey everyone,
and welcome back on my blog!
Today post will be about Rosegal jewelry.
Jewelry is one of my favorite topics for writing and I'm really excited for this one, soon you will see why.
So, let's started!

Zdravo svima,
i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog!
Današnji blog post posvećen je nakitu sa sajta Rosegal.
Nakit jeste jedna od mojih omiljenjih tema za pisanje a zbog ovog posta sam veoma uzbuđena, uskoro ćete saznati i zašto.
Zato, hajde odmah da krenemo!

I have never been satisfied with my order like with this one, everything is so perfect.
Nikada nisam bila zadovoljnija porudžbinom kao sa ovom, sve je tako savršeno.

First products is this beautiful golden watch.
I really like the details and quality.
It's really pretty and look so luxurious too.
I will put link here, if you want this watch too.

Prvi proizvod jeste ovaj prelepi zlatni sat.
Jako mi se dopadaju detalji i kvalitet.
Izgleda jako lepo i luksuzno.
Ostavljam Vam link, ako ga i Vi želite.

Next item is this gorgeous bracelet with letter E.
I'm obsessed! So elegant, beautiful and unique. It's perfect gift for everyone with E name that love jewelry.
Click here to check this bracelet:

Sledeća stvar jeste ova divna narukvica sa slovom E.
Opsednuta sam njome!
Veoma eleganta, lepa i jedinstvena.
Kliknite ovde kako bih ste je pogledali:

And last item is set of 4 bracelets.
All 4 are different but so beautiful and simple.
Click here to get them, right now:

I poslednja stvar jeste set od 4 narukvice.
Sve četri su drugačije ali u isto vreme veoma lepe.
Bolje ih možete videti na mojoj ruci.
Klinknite ovde kako bi ih ste imali:

This was my best online order.
Go check Rosegal if you want some of this items.
Good luck and happy shopping!

Ovo je moja najbolja online porudžbina.
Poglajte sajt Rosegal ako želite neke od ovih stvari.
Srećno i želim Vam uspešan šoping!

Instagram - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie
Until the next reading!
Love you all!
Do sledećeg čitanja!
Voli Vas sve!
DISCLAMER: PR products!

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